Life's most persistent question...

Uncategorized Jan 21, 2019
Today is a wonderful day! It’s the day we celebrate a man that changed the course of US History. Today we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. This courageous man fought tirelessly with words, not violence, to make sure that everyone in the US was treated equally no matter the race.
Although he was not able to see his dream realized, he never stopped fighting. Today’s quote is one of his most famous,
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?”
This is such an important question that we need to not only ask ourselves on this day but every day. Service of others is not limited to certain days or weeks of the year.
It is also not limited to certain people or certain groups. The wonderful thing about serving others is that it can be done at any time or at any place. It isn’t just about feeding the homeless (although that is a wonderful way of serving), it could also be something as simple as helping your wife (or husband) do the dishes. It could be cleaning up after yourself at a restaurant to help the waitress out who has had a long day.
One thing that I love to do is, whenever I see an older (or younger) person who has Armed Services Paraphernalia on, is just say, "Thank you for your service and for my Freedom.” It may seem like something small, but you would be surprised how quickly it brings a smile to so many older gentleman’s faces. After all the years that have passed, they might think that people don’t care about the sacrifices that both they and their family made. This is a wonderful and simple way of reminding them that someone cares and appreciates them. 
Another great way to serve is by lifting people’s spirits. A quick and simple way of doing this is by randomly complimenting people. You would be amazed at how an unexpected compliment can bring a smile to someone’s face. Yes, it might take a little extra courage to not only speak to but compliment a random stranger, but you can't imagine the wonderful feeling you will receive from the smile that spreads across the person’s face and the thank you that you receive. I know it fills me with sheer joy!
Maybe you have time to do more and volunteer at a soup kitchen or shelter. That is wonderful and I encourage you to do so. However, if you don’t, the above suggestions are two simple and quick ways in which you can constantly lift up and inspire people. I think that we could all use a little lift every now and then, and although I am constantly designing my life to be happy, I love encouragement just as much as the next person. I hope this newsletter today encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and serve someone else today. But remember service is not limited to today, but every day!
Let’s all take a page out of Mr. King’s book and
be the change we want to see in the world!
Wishing You God's Best!!!

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