Replace Fear With Curiosity

Uncategorized Mar 23, 2019
Good Morning inspiration seekers, today we have a 2 in 1! The short version of our quote is very inspiring all on its own. It's straight to the point, and as they say it, "Keep It Short & Simple." So let’s get to it!!!

Have you ever been afraid of some event that was coming up? Maybe it wasn't an event but a new chapter that you were starting like a business, a new job or career opportunity, or writing a book. Have you ever wondered why you feared it?

Maybe you wondered what it would be like if you were totally excited about this new transition in your life. Well, you can't change how you felt back then. However, you can use this quote to change how you look at your next adventure.

Today our quote is: "Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity!" by Penelope Ward, American Author


I know normally curiosity is not the opposite of fear, but what if it were? What if instead of being afraid you were curious as to what this new event would bring. Since we are already paradigm shifting, instead of thinking of it as a potentially negative unknown, let's think of it as a new adventure.

I was once told by a mentor, “to pay attention to my thoughts because they become my words, and to notice my words because they become my actions.” (Yes, the original quote is longer than that but we will save that quote for another day.)

The point is that you have to watch how you think of things. If you start with thinking of something by fearing it, then it already carries with it a negative emotion. Then when you speak about it again, it will likely feel negative. And if you don't catch yourself, the whole potentially exciting adventure could be a negative experience of your own making. This brings us to the longer version of the quote:

"By replacing fear of the unknown with curiosity we open ourselves up to an infinite stream of possibility. We can let fear rule our lives or we can become childlike with curiosity, pushing our boundaries, leaping out of our comfort zones, and accepting what life puts before us. "
Alan Watt, British American Philosopher


Alan Watt was a British American Philosopher born a long time ago. But he also hit the nail on the head, just with a little more explanation. And the words in his full-length quote are filled with positive connotations.

An infinite stream of possibility,
Pushing our Boundaries,
Leaping out of our comfort zone,
Accepting what life puts before us.

Imagine just for a second if, in every unknown experience, you were able to use these simple but powerful phrases to describe it. This would completely change your thoughts to a positive and exciting way of viewing things, events, and life transitions. That would lead to your description (words) of things being positive. This would, in turn, lead your actions to become positive.

If you have the courage to take these steps, your entire experience will have a completely different outlook. Lastly and most importantly you will, in turn, be able to accept what (ever) life puts before you. When you can accept that under any circumstance whether good or bad; I can almost promise your life will be much easier and that you'll find your flow.

I want you to know and believe that. I know you can do it. Most importantly, I have faith that you will do it. Because you want to design your life to be happy and positivity is a clear step in the right direction.

Here’s to living curiously!

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